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Jubilee of Hope

Updated: Feb 21

by Elia Cárdenas, D.Min, Associate Director, Dominican lay associate

We have begun a New Year and the Jubilee of Hope, and I believe we are experiencing moments worldwide where hope is needed more than ever.

The Jubilee is a time of grace within our church in which we are called to pray and, through prayer, renew our faith in the one who accompanies us and is present in the simple, in every day, in our daily occupations. It is an invitation to reflect within us on God, who walks with us and is present every day. We are also invited to reflect on others so that through reflection, we make our hearts more sensitive to walking with those who are different or those who think differently, to adapt to their steps, at the same time that we open our hearts to attentive listening and in communion with our neighbor who walks with us. We are also invited to renew our faith and be bearers of it, to be signs of hope so that through us, God himself can meet those who need him most with a heartfelt look or a silent and caring hug.  

Being bearers of hope is to illuminate and share our faith in our daily life, in the small details, with young people, the family, the congregation, the community, and around us.

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