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Sisters Under 65 March Virtual Gathering

Join us for "We need to talk: A conversation about the new book Leaders of Hope" with Elizabeth Ann Guerrero and Linda Buck, CSJ as they discuss their chapters in the book.

Inspired by the "Conversations in the Spirit" process from the Synod on Synodality, we will be using "Conversations in Hope" to guide our sharing process.

To prepare for this discussion, please read "The Essence of Leadership" by Elizabeth Ann Guerrero and "Radical Courage" by Linda Buck, CSJ in Leaders of Hope. Click here to receive the e-book by email.

This virtual program is free and is open to all Catholic sisters under 65. Registration is required.

Two options to assist with your schedule and time zone.

March 13 

7– 8:30 PM CT (Chicago)


March 14 

9 – 10:30 AM CT (Chicago)

A conversation for anyone (sisters of any age, associates, partners in mission and others) interested in discussing Leaders of Hope will be offered on April 2. Please watch our website and social media for more details.


Leadership Collaborative

Listening to the Spirit's promptings.

Learning to navigate the emergent.

Leading as a catalyst for transformation.



© 2025 Leadership Collaborative

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